9/30/2016 0 Comments 足指骨折のお客様がいらっしゃってます。運動も仕事も大好きという方が毎週いらしています。大きなストレスが足にかかり骨折、今でも部分的に麻痺、麻痺の部分が移動する感じなんだそうです。 ふくらはぎが引っ張らさる感じが強いそうでリフレクソロジーのスタイルをいつもとは変えてトリートメントしてから、特別に靴の選び方と歩き方のベストな方法をアドバイスしました。 いろんなことがメイクセンスだわ。。。とアメリカ人のお客様は感心していました。足の痛みから健康と生活の癖を考え始めるようになって頂けて嬉しいです。 11月はベルビュー店を開業してから3年になります。この11月に料金を改定します。ワシントン州の基準に合わせる必要があることと、CE取得のためです。 足の痛みや不眠などでお悩みの方はラベンダーハウスにどうぞお越しください。毎週または毎月のようケアーに欠かせないプリペード料金も変更しますので、もしご興味がある方はお早めにご連絡くださいませ。
9/29/2016 0 Comments 緑内障のお客様緑内障を患っているお客様がいらしてます。その方は50代の女性です。ずっと仕事と子育てが忙しく、自分の健康の事を後回しにしていて月日が経ち、今から自分のケアーをしようとリフレクソロジーに2週間に1度のペースでお越しになってます。 We had an opportunity to meet my son's teacher. She was previously teaching at a different school so that I was looking forward to meeting her. In the classroom, parents sit at own kid's table. It is still small for me. He is 9 years old,and loves pro wrestling a lot. As you see the picture that I posted here, he loves a Japanese wrestler, Shinsuke Nakamura. My husband left his art instead of a thank you card to our son. Do you know him? 9/13/2016 0 Comments Body massage or reflexology..Which one would you like to do body massage or reflexology? I would like to do reflexology more than body massage. If I have an issue like that I can not lift my arms, I would like to go to body massage. If my head has been very busy and cloudy, I would like to go to reflexology. Reflexology is very different from body massage. Washington state health department has law about reflexology. Reflexology is not covered by health insurance yet.( Some other counties do.)reflexology has no any scientific evidence how it works,but there are many research all over the country because reflexology is how people feel through the session. It is very hard to show data. There's infomation about reflexology at pod cast. If you have time, I recommend you to listen to it. I do reflexology every week. I feel so good. I sleep well,eat well, stay positive,no medication, and feel happy. Junko 9/6/2016 0 Comments natural therapy reflexologyReflexology is my most favorite therapy. And I am a patient of Dr.Kato who works as ND in Bellevue. These are all my ways to support my body condition. (Including dentist) I have a client who keeps coming to see me every week. The person used to go to cheaper foot spa,but any more. The person says "I just like my skill and service. Junko's is not that cheap to compare to other foot spa, but would like to keep coming" My Bellevue office is very private big space. No one comes in the room. You usually stay there for two hours for your hour session. You could use iPhone still,but can slow down your high speed life style in my office. It is totally different from manicure or pedicure. The reason why I don't have much wrinkle is probably having and doing reflexology regularly. Ask me if you have a question. Thank you. J |
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