As you can imagine, I am very skeptical. I always need to have experience before I say it is good for my body. People say reflexology is one of skeptical therapies. However, it works great for me. That is why I have been doing reflexology and receiving reflexology over 20 years. Hydrogen water information came to me a year ago. I was skeptical since it is expensive, MLM product. I said "no not now" One year later, my son's started having skin problem. I started being fat over 75kg... Seemed like keep husband still has knee problem. I used 3 cortisone cream on my son's skin. Not worked much. It comes back every night. Ice pack, too cold on his skin. He cried and mad at his problem. I was so tired of thinking of how I am going to do. Three medical doctors were involved about this skin problem. They don't know why.. Dry skin? He is expecting to have an allergic test the next year since he used too much cortisone cream. He needs to wait to clear his blood. So hydrogen water has been tried with all of his family for each problems. 1) my son's skin has cleared. Under arm had 15 percent still to compare October. 2) my weight now 70kg. I lost some kg. My son used to say " Mom, you are getting fat." Plus I am okay without any make-up. Most hydrogen water user's face skin turns more healthier. 3) my husband. Still not having knee surgery yet. He says his knee feels fine. Since we all started drinking Izumio hydrogen water, only good results have been happening. It it did not work out, it is nothing. Nobody hurts. Everyone need to drink everyday. Izumio is good taste water. I ordered 7 boxes for all my family members, now I have only one box left. Three boxes are given to my reflexology clients. They says it tastes great. I recommended some friends about this water. Most say it is expensive. They also said they don't like MLM business. I have not tried eye supplement, it seems great one. But I don't write it is good since I have not tried yet. However, if you are looking something for your eyes, I say "why don't you try? Then tell me what you feel. I served hydrogen water like Izumio in U.S.A. I could find none.
12/21/2016 0 Comments クライアントさんの話し。私は3年前まで3年間敬老ナーシングホームで働いてました。夫がその時レイドオフに初めてなったので私も保険をもらえる仕事に就きたいと思って学校でワシントン州の認定書をもらい働き始めました。もう3年前に退職しました。ナーシングの仕事は早朝朝6時から2時半までのシフト制でそれは時間的に大変でした。子供も生まれて間もない頃だったので、家族の協力なしでは働けませんでした。 忙しい中、今のリフレクソロジーのクライアントさんに出会いました。彼女のお母さんが敬老に住んでいまのです。それで、ほぼ毎日様子をみにくる彼女とすぐ仲良くなりました。名前も似ていたこともあり、彼女と彼女のことお母さんをみると自分のことのように感じてました。遠くに住んでいるので、どれくらい年をとったのかわからないけれど、でもどんな風に家族が家族を労わるのかみることができて光栄でした。 そんな彼女のお母さんが3年前に亡くなりました。 彼女が朝方起きて、まだ生きているかなぁと手を差し伸べた10分後お母さんは旅立ったそうです。そして、その翌日初孫が生まれたんだそうです。 いろんなことはちゃんと意味があって起きているのかなぁと思いました。 その人に会えなくてやはり寂しいなぁと思う時はときどきあります。 リフレクソロジーを受けている時の顎のあたりの形などお母さんそっくりで、ドキッとすることがあります。でもいつも私に接する時は笑顔でいらしたので、大丈夫だよと言われているように感じます。 今私のところに来てくださっているすべてのクライアントさんも意味があってきっと私のところに来てくださっているのだなぁと思います。そう思うところこれからすべてのクライアント様との未来がとても楽しみです。 ちなみにわたしと家族のつながり。 わたしの誕生日は私の夫のお母さんの命日の翌日です。これは私が夫を幸せにしなさいと言われている事と私は受けとります。 あとで、いろんなことが、なるほど!と思うことが多くあると思います。 12/19/2016 0 Comments For new year..For three months in new year after 1/1, I will serve ear reflexology for new clients who come to my reflexology session. I will use only lavender oil the next year. If you would like to relax your mind, cone and try my reflexology. 12/19/2016 0 Comments Are you going to somewhere?I am staying Seattle this winter holidays season. I love staying with my dogs. They are my family. One of two is having cancer. So that is why I would like to stay with him. I love him since I love hearing him snoring under the massage table while I work in my house. I love him since he welcomes me when I come back him. I love him since he comfort my son. He was his first reading partner. I love him since asks me to go out together by looking at me. I love him since he helps me bring back my tennis balls when I play. Even more.. I am very thankful to my dog,Ico. I am not ready to say Byrne yet, but I am ready to take care of him when he needs it in deed. 12/8/2016 0 Comments Hello! Snow!I posted on my personal Facebook page regarding "A Purple Book". I have explained to some my clients who came to see me for reflexology session. One of my elder friends has decided to move into a smaller house. From 5 bed room house to 2 bed room house, and the next she is moving to one studio for health issue. She still remembers everything so that it is very hard to let go everything out of her house. She and I have been working on this for over two years,and still working on it since she has not seen everything out. I read a book written by Mari Kondo to clear out house to say bye and thank you to belongings. I helped her to open each boxes to look inside of them. She crys and move her belongings to boxes to other boxes.. So she does not want to donate or dump anything yet..but the moving day is getting close.. So I suggested to practice to let go her belonging by just giving me and see how I use. I thought she will be happy if someone uses it and say thank you. So I asked her to have me use the purple book that is for client writing how they feel about my reflexology. She said it is a great idea since purple is related to my business name Lavender House Reflexology. It has started on thanksgiving day. If you would like to join this, please write anything about my reflexology. Someday the note will be filled, and she will be happy to accept that someone use her belongings happily somewhere. |
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