I don't like to say I am getting old, but I can not stop getting aged. After I turned 40, I felt my digestion system has started funny. I have had only one time in my life to feel constipation, and I had another experience since last week. 😔 I did not have BM( not car) 5 days...., but still could feel hungry. I wondered why and how my body stores all the foods I had. I had BBQ for 3 days straight since weather was so beautiful. Plus I needed to have more protein that is needed for my diet since I lost 14 pound in two months. I did not try to loose weigh to say honestly.since my family member have all different kinds of diets like my husband(low carbohydrate and no sugar) my son( high protein , no sugar,gluten free) I need carbohydrate and high protein, and high cal food) it seems not much vegetables .. I eat vegetables too.. Mainly onion, cucumber, tomato,corn,and potato. Plus I do tennis and gardening.. It sounds fine diet, but I don't want to loose my weigh. Then I started looking for ways how to gain weight.. Then I ate a lot of meats. Then constipation has started. 😕 I started giving myself probiotic supplement and some yogurt. They didn't work at all. I gave myself put lemon oil with coconuts oil reflexology. It worked. However, I started having tummy pain and back pain around my kidney on my left side. I gave myself back rub by husband. The next day, the pain moved to bladder area. Hummm I felt they moved inside my colons...I gave more reflexology around my digestion reflexology zone to help myself sleep better. And my husband birthday has come, I needed to oil pot for him and my family, I ate a lot along with pain since I don't want to loose my weight. Eventually in 6 days, stool came out. And I don't have any pain any more. 😆😆😆 Yes! Yes! My body is so tired even though it was not working properly, but my feeling regarding constipation is so overwhelming this time. If you have any constipation condition, try reflexology. I am feeling sorry for everyone who are suffered from it. I have been doing reflexology session for 12 years and Washington state certified reflexologist since 2014 in Washington state. 😃 I do asession in Bellevue and shoreline 7 days a week. Appointment to 206-380-3507 Thank you very much. Junko
5/28/2015 0 Comments Birthday for my husbandIt is my husband birthday today. My son and I baked a birthday cake together. All my family has not had a cake for long time so that the cake was very yummy. We were going to put those toys on the top of the cake into the cake. However, the cake was kind of slim so that we put them on the top. Dinner was oil pot. I prepared pork,sausage,and green onion. Plus salad outside deck. I was mess free to cook out side. 😉so yummy eating dinner outside since weather was so great. Regarding appointment, I have one spot available which starts 11am to 1 pm on this coming Saturday. And one spot at 4pm to 6pm. If you are interested in making appointment, please let me know. If you are interested in other days, it is also possible. Ask me 206-380-3507 text is just fine to me. Thank you. Junko 5/27/2015 0 Comments 私の体重が減っていました。最近全身鏡をみて自分の体をみてちょっと痩せたように思いました。任天堂の体調を管理できるゲーム機があり、それで体重を計りましたら、14パウンドも落ちてました。😣これは大変です。 思い当たる原因を考えてみると グルテンフリーダイエット(子供)炭水化物抜きダイエット(主人) 砂糖抜きなのでスナック菓子も食べない(子供) 腹八分目(主人) そしてガーデニング🍀とDIYでうちのリモデル 更に頻繁にテニス🎾 楽しいことをするのが好きなので基本的にストレスフリーです。リフレクソロジーも定期的に受けているので心は快調です。でもこの体重が2ヶ月でこんなにも減ったことに対してひどいストレスを感じてます。私は身長が177センチのため136パウンドは結構辛いのです。日本にいた時は50キロの健康体でした。異常に細くても大丈夫なのですが、40歳になり痩せすぎはあまり良くないと実感してます。 自然医療の先生にもアドバイスをいただきまして、なるべくたくさん食べるようにしてます。そしたら5日間で4パウンド戻りました。 減量したい方は、私が自然にしていた生活習慣で成功できると思います。 食べ過ぎてしまう方はやはりストレスが高いからでしょうか。食べなくするだけでなく、何か自分が気持ち良いとか幸せと思えるセラピーや運動を一緒にすることをお勧めします。 7月にリビングフェアーにリフレクソロジーを提供しに参加することになりました。当日はアロマセラピーとリフレクソロジー、気持ちのいい音楽など持参します。 こちらはシアトル市内の日系コンサーンズのフェアーです。教会内のジムで行われます。 ご自分にあったセラピストやドクターズに会うチャンスですよ。 健康を維持するためにはフィジカル メンタル エモーションの3つが満たされていないとどこかしらバランスが崩れてきます。 年齢とともに今まで大丈夫だった体もガタがくるようになります。特にホルモンは強い影響を及ぼします。幸せに生きれるためにはどうしたらとご自分で体験されるとよいと思います。 また近くなったらお知らせします。 今日は、4時からならばもう一人リフレクソロジーセッションが受けることができます。ご希望の方は206-380-3507まで連絡してくださいね。 順子 5/22/2015 0 Comments BBQ and reflexologyIt has been so beautiful these days. I like feeling great so that I have been doing BBQ for 3 days. It is not very special, I just brought food and drink out side, put meat and fish on the grill. I put a candle that bugs don't like. It worked great. My son asked me to do reflexology so that I did on the deck. He smiled so happily. Reflexology works great for great communication and relationship. It is true since I have been doing reflexology for 13 years here and in Japan. Jun Elena,Tom,lavender farm owner and I decided to have two days reflexology event at Lavender Farm on July 11th and July 12th. You can have reflexology session looking at Lavender flowers. It is so relaxing time😄. I will put more information here when it gets close. I hope you enjoy this beautiful day like I do. Junko 5/15/2015 0 Comments Floor under constructionI have been striping carpet for four days for now. I probably do this for two hours a day. It is heavy work, but I wanted to try that kind of experience so I am enjoying it. My dogs are missing the old carpet. My house is two houses connected together since my father in law added long time ago for his big family. He is three boys' father. I really respect how busy his life was to raise three boys. Their mother must have gone many times to a grocery store to feed them. After three boys left the house, my dogs and my father in law have been living there. My dog made mess 😡there, and I want him to come back to our house, so that I decided to put new floor. I want big family. My living space has very nice wood floor already. I am planning to dump them tomorrow morning. I am thinking of bamboo floor eventually. 😌 These are not related to reflexology though, it is fun. It is not easy like animal crossing video game. Jun 5/14/2015 0 Comments I went to see ND.Since I turned 40 years old, I was thinking of visiting ND for myself. I found her on the Japanese free paper, then I visited her. I have met her one year ago not as a patient. I am not going to write what wrong with me, but getting old requires to keep myself maintain more frequently. My mind is just fine, but nobody can stop body getting old unfortunately. ND asked me very personal questions. Then I could not stop laughing at myself. However, ND is very serious to listen to me. Since diet is very related to my body condition very deeply. But it was so fun time for me. I will purchase some supplement that contain proper amount soon. I can not wait to feel how my body will feel differently. If you want to know about your body better, you should try to see ND. See you soon. 5/5/2015 0 Comments ゆっくり生活することの大切さ。肺炎から回復して、再び忙しい毎日を過ごし始めました。40歳を境に始めた毎週末のリフレクソロジーで心は落ち着いてます。先週公園でのリフレクソロジーセッションの時にエレーナさんとピクニックをしました。といってもインターバル15分という短い時間でした。後に仕事があったので、そう長くお互いに過ごせなかったのです。私はエレーナさんご希望のポテトサラダを持参しました。エレーナはお茶とパンなどです。その時私が見たものは素敵なティーカップでした。ホロっと涙が出ました。私ならば忙しい時は紙カップで済ましてしまいそうですが、彼女はティーstrainerとソーサー付カップ^_^ 素敵なおもてなしを受けました。 エレーナは私が持参したナイフでペロリとポテトサラダを完食しました。😊パンに塗って食べようと思ったのでナイフだけ持参しました。 もう一つ私の家庭内で起こったことをかきます。8歳の息子が私のドアーノブのような髪の毛の結び目を解いてこう言いました。 短いとアグリーだよ。ふわふわの方が好き😃 そういってキスをしてくれました。あまりI love youとは言わない子供なのでびっくりしました。結んでいるとよく解いてしまうことがよくあるのです。忙しいから長い髪は邪魔なので結びあげるのです。 ゆったりと過ごすには髪の毛のふわふわを保てるくらいがいいのでしょう。 いくつになってもとても優しい息子にいつも気付かされます。ゆとりある生活。 エレーナさんとのリフレクソロジーと息子の言葉はなくてはならないものです。 もちろん夫の寝顔やお客様がくつろいでいるお顔や言葉なども私のスピードを緩くしてくれます。 ありがとうございます。 じゅん My professional reflexologist,Elena and I have been doing reflexology exchange weekly for over 6 months. We both love reflexology more than body massage. The reason why? If you think why I like it, you may not have any reflexology session ever. Or you may not know what reflexology is. If you want this experience, contact with us. Elena and I will meet you at the park or in our office. Then you will be educated about reflexology. Anyway, doing and receiving reflexology session at the park so cool. When you wake up from the session, you will see the blue water 180 degree around you. You will feel your brain and body completely in meditation mode. When you really need to pace down for your work or non work life, you will have a chance to reset your mind. And more...😃 |
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