12/29/2013 0 Comments Here is very curious.While there isn't a great deal of scientific evidence to support aromatherapy for medical conditions, it has been around for around 5,000 years and can be traced back to ancient China, India, Persia and Egypt and is still popular today. Based on this, I researched what scents are thought to help with some of the major symptoms of ADHD, specifically scents which are thought to promote focus and relaxation. Remember, you may react differently than others so if you are interested in trying aromatherapy, try out different scents to see what works best for you.
Scents to promote relaxation or reduce hyperactivity:
Scents to promote focus, mental alertness and concentration:
How to Use Essential Oils
Aromatherapy uses essential oils which can be purchased in many stores and online. There are a number of different ways you can use these oils:
If you have health conditions, such as asthma, seizures, high blood pressure, are pregnant or are currently receiving chemotherapy, you should speak with your doctor before trying aromatherapy. In some cases, aromatherapy can cause rashes, headaches, or liver or nerve damage. You should speak with your doctor if you experience any of these side effects.
References: "Aroma Of Chocolate Chip Cookies Prompts Splurging On Expensive Sweaters," 2008, Jan 12, ScienceDaily 1 | 2 View comments (2) | Add comment We Recommend
12/21/2013 0 Comments 貴方のお宅でリフレクソロジー!貴方の家でリフレクソロジーしませんか? 妊婦だから家でゆっくりと過ごしたい。 運転に自信がない。 子育てが忙しいからベルビューまで行かれない。 お年寄りの方 このような状況の方は貴方の家に私が伺います。どうぞご興味のある方はお問い合わせください。 ラベンダーハウス 菊池 順子 12/12/2013 0 Comments Do you like wintergreen ?Have you ever heard about wintergreen? One of my friend who has been working as an acupuncture Dr in Seattle recommended me to use wintergreen. I have been using some kinds if essential for me and clients for long time,but never tried wintergreen. Wintergreen leaf is used for painful conditions including headache,nerve pain(particularly sciatica)?arthritis, ovarian pain,and menstrual cramps. It is used for digestion problems including stomachache and gas(flatulence) lung conditions including asthma and pleurisy, pain and swelling(inflammation) fever and kidney problem. From WebMD I have been using this oil mixing with base oil for reflexology session if clients hope. It smell so wonderful! In reflexology session, breathing slowly is the most important so that I want you try it. If you want to take it home, you can buy it in a small bottle. Please try my reflexology session for your health and relaxation in a private room. Thank you for your time to read this. Junko ここからは日本語 ウィンターグリーンをご存知ですか?私の尊敬する鍼灸師の先生が私にウィンターグリーンが入ったオイルの使用を勧めてきました。それまで知らなかった私は、最初はなんて強い香りなんだろうと思いましたが、今ではすっかり朝から晩まで使っています。 実際に私が使用し始めたオイルには15種類のオイルが入っているそうです。その内容は企業秘密だそうですよ。^ - ^ ウィンターグリーンは鎮静作用、頭痛、神経痛、関節炎、生理痛、消化作用への働き、喘息、腎臓への働きが良いとWEBMDには書かれています。 私はよく自分に、そしてリフレクソロジーのセッションの時にクライアントが希望すればオイルに混ぜ込ませます。その時はお部屋がフワーっとあの香りでいっぱいになり癒されます。多くの方があの香りに癒されます。自宅でも使用したい方には、有料ですが小分けで差し上げています。 完全個室の中でゆったりと過ごしてみませんか? 私のブログを読んでくださり、ありがとうございます。 順子 |
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