10/30/2017 0 Comments I am a reflexologist.I have been doing reflexology as my career. I started learning reflexology since I was 24 year old. It has been almost 20 years since then. I would like you to try reflexology for centering your energy. If your company would like to hire reflexologists, ask me. It is very beneficial treatment for anybody. Thank you. Junko
10/27/2017 0 Comments Missing my my dog.I wrote about my dogs here many times. They are my best friends in U.S.A. I had to cancel my reflexology appointments since my son needed me for his grief. Losing dog is really sad deeply. I have many times thought about counseling for my child. That was in June. We don't avoid taking about my dog with my child,but he has been caring my emotion a lot. When we talk about, he asks me "Are you okay?. I have never asked him if he is okay since I would like to enjoy sharing memories with my family,but I noticed he tends to face away from me to hide his sad emotion. I think it is normal feeling. This morning, my son and I had a chatting in my car, and we talked about our dog. He seems enjoying our dog's nineties. He was laughing out. I did too. That was a wonderful moment for us indeed. I love collecting story books. One book Call wasurerarenai Okurimono. You can find it written in English as well. I recommend that book to everyone who lost your loving person. Love. 10/19/2017 0 Comments Pro wrestlingI went to watch pro wrestling a few days ago. Have you ever watched a Japanese wrestler, Nakamura Shinsuke? He is the one top wrestler in U.S.A. When I went to meet to for meet and greet at South Center, I packed my business cards and coloring book in case he has nothing to do after his match. I hope he will come to do reflexology. I have clients who have foot pain for doing sport. Anyway, his theme music is very cool. When I told my clients that I went to the fights, they said they have never thought about me loving pro wrestling. I have been enjoying anything new to me this year since Hawaii trip. I really enjoy my life. I hope you do too. 10/5/2017 0 Comments 自然に自然に。今年はインフルエンザショットどうしようねという話を息子10歳としていた時に彼の考えはこうでした。 しない。 なんで? 驚いたのは父親の方だったのではないでしょうか。彼は受ける予定なんですね。私はここ数年病院勤めを辞めてからは打っていません。 息子10歳の理由はスキンの状態が悪くなることがあったから受けない。 Hivesが全身にずっと出で痒かったのが嫌だったのでしょうね。お医者さんにも何度も行きました。そして処方されるのはかゆみを抑えるクリーム。私が解決策として行なったのは水素水とピーズです。毎日です。ウンチの状態が少しずつ変わり11ヶ月後には完全になくなりました。アンタイヒスタミンも全部捨てました。 今年の冬はどうやって風邪ひかないようにする? そう聞くと、ママのナチュラルメディシンを毎日飲むんだ! と言ってます。 流石私の子供だなぁ。それはライムとハニーなのですがね。^_^ アトピーでお悩みの方も是非試して欲しいなぁと思います。色んな人はずっと飲み続けるような商品は欲しくないとも言いますが、治ったら飲むのを止めればいいだけですよ。我が家もそうです。今は飲んでません。 水素水非難する人も多いですが、本当に試してほしい。お子さんが自然に回復できる方法を提供してあげて欲しいです。 |
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