11/30/2017 0 Comments Do you like your work?I love working as a reflexologist. Clients worry about me and my fingers,but my work heal me. I use really comfortable music,aroma oil,and quiet room. My work is like a meditation. I hope your work also heal you everyday. Reflexology with my clients is like energy exchanging between two of us. So that reflexology is not one way therapy. We need to work together to make good energy happened. I do some different reflexology technic. Relaxation purpose, foot pain, restoration from injury,pregnancy.. from Seattle Reflexology Massage School in Seattle. I really enjoy which technic fits client's condition. So that I would like to recommend you to try a couple times at first since reflexology is not medicine. Would you like to heal ? Let's try reflexology.
11/21/2017 0 Comments My favorite coffee shopThere is a coffee shop near my house. Only two blocks away. I go there when I need to calm down. I needed my body get calm down so that I needed not to drink caffeine. I asked barista if I could order steamed milk. She said yes. Usually most coffee shop are very busy, but when I was there, it was really quiet. Just music there. I love the moment to be there. My business is like selling quietness. It is a private space. No one comes in while you are there. You don't need to make decisions during session. If you don't want to think of anything, try reflexology with me. 11/14/2017 0 Comments My father is that kind of person.I have been looking for a house for my friend. She has a dog that will be a big dog. She needs to move out by February. My house has already a dog that does not like any other dogs do that my house is not perfect for them. My friend asked me why I do help her look for a house. I told her I should help her. My father was always help people in troubles. It is a part if his life. I like his that part. I had baby battles with my father when I was a teenager. Working as a reflexologist is supposed to be happened. I don't choose who I am supposed to help or not. I wish my son understand people will have great life by connecting with others. 11/2/2017 0 Comments Calm down.When is your memorable time with your mother when you are little. I love spending with my child by doing nothing special. My child loves video games a lot,but he likes to do nothing with me. I mean nothing as boring time like reading, talking, and doing reflexology. Since I met some MDs, they could not help my child so that I am trying to do mostly by my ideas and reading many books that were shared by speech therapist as my best friend. Medicine is not what I want to write here. I just wanted to write memories are really supporting kids mental condition. All I need is love. I think this means everything. I advertise his homework a lot, but once he has done, I do body touch a lot.. unfortunately I don't recall when I did hug with my parents last time. That memories really affecting my relationship with my parents. I wish I was raised in that kind of family. That is why I read a lot of story books that helps me how I should do with my child. What kind memories support your heart to live on? 11/1/2017 0 Comments To prevent from catching cold.「チキンとかぼちゃのクリームコーンシチュー」1人前385kcal 塩分1.6g 秋が深まるとともに気温が下がり、空気が乾燥してくると、くしゃみや鼻水、咳などの症状が見られる風邪をひく人が増え始めます。 <材料> 2人分
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